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Cosmetic Services

Enhancing Your Youthful Appearance

Welcome to Sweeney Eye Associates, where we specialize in enhancing your youthful appearance through a range of cosmetic services offered by Oculoplastic Specialist, Dr. Mark Jaffe. Whether you’re considering surgical procedures like blepharoplasty, or non-surgical options such as fillers and injections, we’re here to guide you on your journey to a more confident and rejuvenated look.

Woman Being Prepped for Blepharoplasty

Surgical Blepharoplasty

Revitalize Your Eyes with Blepharoplasty.
Your eyes speak volumes about your appearance, and maintaining their youthful allure is crucial. Even with adequate rest, issues like loose skin, bags, and wrinkles can make you look older or fatigued. These concerns often arise with age, but environmental factors like sun exposure and lifestyle habits can accelerate them.

Enter blepharoplasty, a rejuvenating procedure designed to address these issues and restore a youthful, alert look to your eyes. Often dubbed a “mini facelift,” blepharoplasty has gained popularity for its ability to enhance both upper and lower eyelids, delivering high patient satisfaction.

Determining if you’re a candidate for blepharoplasty typically involves an evaluation by a qualified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Jaffe. Here are some factors that may indicate candidacy for blepharoplasty:

  1. Eyelid Concerns: If you have excess skin or fat deposits on your upper or lower eyelids, leading to sagging, puffiness, or a tired appearance, you may be a candidate.
  2. Health and Safety: Good overall health is essential for any surgical procedure. Your surgeon will assess your medical history and current health status to ensure safety.
  3. Vision Obstruction: If loose skin or fat deposits significantly obstruct your vision, blepharoplasty may be considered medically necessary and covered by insurance.
  4. Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of blepharoplasty and understand that it can enhance but not completely transform their appearance.
  5. Consultation: The best way to determine candidacy is through a consultation with Dr. Jaffe. During this visit, he will evaluate your eyelid concerns, discuss your goals and expectations, and recommend a personalized treatment plan if blepharoplasty is suitable for you.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jaffe at Sweeney Eye Associates to determine if blepharoplasty is the right option for rejuvenating your eyes and achieving your aesthetic goals.

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of your eyes. It targets issues like loose skin, bags under the eyes, and wrinkles, helping you achieve a more youthful and alert look.

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Are you tired of looking tired? Blepharoplasty offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved appearance of the eyes
  • Reduced tiredness and heaviness in the eyelids
  • Enhanced self-confidence and overall facial aesthetics
  • Restoration of a more youthful and refreshed look

As a general rule, insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery. However, of your eyelids are encroaching upon your field of vision, the procedure may be covered as “medically necessary” surgery.

Complications can occur with any surgery; however, with blepharoplasty, serious complications are rare, and most that do occur can usually be corrected. Some complications include:

  • Temporary swelling and bruising
  • Dry eyes or irritation
  • Difficulty closing the eyes completely (rare)

Our experienced team will discuss these risks and how they can be managed to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

Wrinkle and Fine Line Reduction
Non-Surgical Solutions for Youthful Rejuvenation

Looking for a non-surgical way to restore volume and reduce wrinkles? We offer several treatments options for reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Facial Resurfacing with a CO2 Laser

Dr. Mark Jaffe utilizes the versatile CO2 laser to provide effective solutions for both cosmetic and medical concerns. With its precision and effectiveness, patients can attain smoother, more youthful skin and enhanced facial aesthetics. Dr. Jaffe specializes in using the CO2 laser to address various conditions involving the skin and soft tissues.

Some common issues he can treat include:

  1. Wrinkles and Fine Lines: The laser rejuvenates skin by stimulating collagen production and removing damaged layers, promoting a smoother complexion.
  2. Acne Scars: It reduces scars by smoothing skin texture and promoting collagen growth.
  3. Sun Damage: Minimizes pigmentation irregularities and textural changes by removing damaged skin cells.
  4. Skin Tightening: Stimulates collagen production and tissue contraction, resulting in firmer, more youthful skin.
  5. Scar Revision: Precisely minimizes scars from surgery, injury, or trauma, improving texture and color.
  6. Benign Skin Lesions: Removes moles, warts, and skin tags with minimal scarring.
  7. Actinic Keratosis: Treats precancerous skin growths caused by sun damage, improving skin health.

Want to Know More About Our Cosmetic Services?

  • Experienced Oculoplastic Surgeon
  • Surgical and non-surgical solutions
  • Personalized Care
  • Expert Results